We are going to get a little crazy with some names here, for a minute, but stick with me, it will be worth it, I swear.
Philomela was a princess of Athens. Her sister Procne was married to the king of Thrace, who was a son of Ares.
Philomela traveled to Thrace to visit her sister. Somewhere along the way, her brother in law, the king of Thrace, raped her. She threatened to tell what he had done to her, and his answer was to cut out her tongue, and lock her up in a cabin in the forest.
Silenced, Philomela wiled away her days in sorrow and misery until she died.
This warrior of a woman began to weave a tapestry, that told her story. Once she had finished it, she found a boy to carry it to her sister Procne. Her sister understood immediately, and rushed to Philomela’s rescue.
Procne got revenge on her wicked husband by killing their son and cooking him in a pie, so that he didn’t know he had eaten his own son until it was too late.
So then this huge fight broke out and eventually Zeus got involved and turned all three of them into birds.
Philomela was turned into a Nightengale. You may find it interesting to note that the female nightingale does not sing.
Why have I bored you with this story?
Because it is F*$%ing AWESOME.
Take advantage of me and use me. Sure.
You can cut out my tongue. Go ahead.
Lock me in cabin. Do it.
Shut me up and sit me down.
But I’ll just weave the most bad-ass story telling tapestry the world has ever seen, and my story will have a voice larger than any tongue could have made it.
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